
Moldavite/0.6 grams

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Moldavite is the product of a meteor collision with Earth nearly 15 million years ago. It fell, what is now called the Moldau River Valley in the Czech Republic. These green gems are among the most rare on Earth. They have been prized by humans for thousands of years and are still given as gifts from royalty to royalty. In legend, it is believe Moldavite was the green stone in the Holy Grail and has the power to quicken one's spiritual evolotion.

Even people not sensitive to the energies of stones often feel the energy of Moldavite. Many sense it as heat, or a tingling or pulsing sensation when held in their hand. Others feel a rush of energy through their body, usually upwards out the top of their head. Moldavite's high vibrational energy is a power chakra opener, particularly at the heart and above. Sleeping with Moldavite activates the Dreams State. Wearing it helps manifest positive life changes. 

Because Moldavite is so rare, there are many fakes on the market. We are proud to get our Moldavite from one of the most reputable suppliers in the United States, Claude Kraemer of T.W. Desgins. When you purchase from us, you are getting the real deal... we guarantee it!  

  • This is a 0.6 gram specimen of Moldavite.
  • The picture is a respresentative sample of what this size looks like. To see what you will actually be purchasing, please contact us and we will send you more pictures.