The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system.
- Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with the univeral energies.
- Indifo, middle of the forehead, pineal glands represents forgiveness & compassion.
- Blue, throat, thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication.
- Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility.
- Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal gland, represents power and ego.
- Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality.
- Red, base of the spine, gonad glands, represents grounding and survival.
Note: If ordering on-line, beads may be 10mm versus 8mm as pictured. If you prefer the 8mm size, contact us to see if they are available.