
Sage - White Sage/White Sinuata & Milacea

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Purify your home with the beauty and benefits of White Sinuata and White Sage blended smudge sticks. White Sinuata is the perfect compliment to the purifying nature of White Sage as it adds special energies of innocence, spirituality and beauty to the individual and their space. The addition of Panicum Milacea is a grass used for insight and clarity.


  • pure white sage bundles grown and harvested in California
  • each smudge bundle measures approx 3-4 inches long
  • hand-tied and stored in controlled air condition environment to ensure it is super fresh when it reaches you
  • dried white Sinuata flowers are tied onto sage for additional healing energy
  • one sage bundle included


Spend 10—15 minutes in meditation to clear the mind for intention setting. Before you begin, open the windows and doors to provide the negative energy an escape route. Light the sage smudging stick and let it burn until it begins to release smoke. Once the cleansing smoke arrives, keep your intentions in mind and with the stick in your hand, make your way through each room, rotating clockwise as you move through the room. You can keep in mind specific positive affirmations to clear negative energy and invite healing or protective energy in its place. When you've cleansed every room, leave your sage to burn out on its own or safely put it out in sand or water.

IMPORTANT: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

No native areas were disturbed while harvesting the ingredients used in these products. The Sage and Sinuata are sustainably grown with eco-friendly practices and is handpicked and dried by the sun. This product is 100% natural with no preservatives, additives, or additional scents added.